
Beauty is all around us.

We are in the mist of total hay overhaul, nothing else matters during hay season. While loading hay unto the hay hauler, my eyes were drawn to the field across the road. This field is used for pasture only and is in a state of complete over grown beauty. Sometimes you have to stop and…
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Hay Season 2018

We harvest our own hay here on the farm, red and green clover, tall fescue and pasture grasses. This is a family affair and everyone helps with the cutting, raking, bailing and hauling it in to be stacked and put away. Volunteers are always welcome :))
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Crossing the river

Crossing the river has always come with it's own issues, getting stuck or in one case having your four-wheeler swept down river. In my dreams we have this amazing bridge that we simply drive across. Since I have yet to win the lottery we decided to pour a landing pad of sorts. Crossing the river…
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Winter Wonderland 2018

Feeding in the winter has it's upsides...Yes, I'm not crazy. Missouri, has the most beautiful winters, with our gorgeous hills and valleys...simply add some snow and it's like you're standing inside a virtual snow globe.
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Giving A Helping Hand

While checking the herd for new life, I came across a newborn that was in distress. His mother had attempted to clean him, but the calf never found his feet nor nursed. This is a grave situation for a calf born in the winter, their survival is based upon, being fully cleaned and up standing…
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That time of year again.

It's that time of year once again. Time to separate the momma's from the babies (otherwise known as "weaning"), select next year's heifers and decide whom is going to be sold and kept. Normally, as one can imagine the mothers and babies are not happy with this transition, and can make what should be a…
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Clover and Pasture Grasses

Well, it's that time again to replant some of the fields with clover and pasture grasses. We are blessed to have some of the cleanest, freshest waters flowing through our farm, but with that comes annual flooding and the washing away of top soil over time. We do our best to maintain the best environment…
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Don't forget to follow on Instagram to see what is going on at the farm.
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Down Home Tips

Our Tips on preparing Ribeyes!!! Thaw meat (remember, never use a microwave) in a pinch, use cold water, submerge meat. Thawed meat, soak in a bowl of two eggs beaten and enough milk to completely cover all pieces of meat. Now add your favorite seasonings. We use Head Country Championship Original, Garlic powder, and a…
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Hay Season 2017

What a crazy busy time of year. We didn't even get to stop and enjoy Memorial Day with the rest of our great country. When it's hay season, nothing else matters. This year, much like last year, we are running both balers and all tractors have something hooked up to them. This year (my favorite…
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