The manure spreader was purchased in 1930's by Marion Prier and used on the farm until the 1960's. The spreader came with both horse and tractor attachment's although Marion only used a tractor to pull this spreader. Once a year after the cattle have been up for winter feeding, the boys would clean out the lots and spread the manure on the spring fields.
About: prierfarms
Recent Posts by prierfarms
Beefmaster Bulls
Old Barns
I love the history of the farm and seeing the old barns and structures that we still use today. Like the barn across the river, which was built by Joseph Prier. During his time people would come together and help one another raise a barn, home or structure. No telling whom all helped build this old barn that we still use to this day.
Beauty of the farm
Farm Improvements
One of the many projects we have taken on over the years is to ensure good clean water from our ponds by installing fencing around the waters to keep the cattle out. We installed tanks below the ponds for the cattle to water themselves. We also expanded the pond which feeds off of a under ground natural spring.
New Life
This is a very busy time of year for everyone with all the holiday parties and dinners and on the farm it's a different kind of busy. Soon we will be welcoming new babies, which is my favorite time of year, even with the stress of winter. Everyone loves to see the new born calves running and jumping through the fields.
A River Runs Through It.
The water that runs through our property and feeds our natural springs and ponds is from Roaring River. Which happens to be the coldest water year round. It could be 102 degrees in the middle of August and the waters can still take your breath away. Caring for this farm is more then just tending to the fields and livestock it goes deeper than that. One has to look at what we are using on our fields and livestock to ensure we are protecting our water supply for future generations. I have always felt that we as caretakers are the best to ensure environmental practices and safe guards that benefit the environment as well as the farm.
A look back in time.
These rock fences may just look like a pile of rocks and stones to some but for me it's a reminder of my families past. These rock fences date back to the late 1800's, and most likely were built by my great grandfather or his father in-law whom the property was purchased from in the late 1800's. Being the fourth generation on this family farm is a great honor. When I complain about mending fence or the yearly rebuilding along roaring river that takes place after the spring floods. I need only to look at the rock fence and think how easy we all have it.
The Unveiling
Checking In
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