About: prierfarms
Recent Posts by prierfarms
We take pride in our product and enjoy the benefits of our hard work. I could live on hamburgers and it's a wonderful feeling knowing that the product we produce not only do we enjoy, but we get to share this with others.
Read moreGrass Fed
Our freezer is full and so should yours. We are now fully re-stocked and taking orders.
Read morehttp://consumersunion.org/news/the-overuse-of-antibiotics-in-food-animals-threatens-public-health-2/
Farm Art
Welding has been part of my life, I welded for the government and even worked on the nuclear plant in Springfield, MO. I love welding and use it on a weekly if not daily basis on the farm. We repair and even make our own implements and on the farm and welding is a big…
Read moreZippy
Zippy, is one of my favorite tractors on the farm and the funniest to drive. She gets around in tight spaces and is peppy, which gives her that fun factor!!! Saturday, we started the annual clean up along Roaring River and the mending and rebuilding of the fence along the river. Zippy, went ahead of…
Read moreAnnual Farm Show
Wow!! Can we have one of everything that Case makes? Please and thank you. We had such a great time walking around the Farm Show and talking to the great folks of the Four States.
Read moreBeefmaster
This one of the new Beefmaster bulls we have purchased last season. The benefits for crossbreeding cattle are what gives our beef that signature taste and marbling. We like to use the Beefmaster because they throw such a good sturdy calf that gains weight quickly and usually no horns (which we love). We will still…
Read more We are now on Instagram, follow us to see what's happening on the farm.https://www.instagram.com/?hl=en
Read moreBrisket
The finished product, after a low and slow cook all day in the oven. The brisket was so tender it fell apart as I removed it from the cooking tray. Absolute perfection!!!
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