Recent Posts by prierfarms

Roaring River

We have been blessed with having some of the cleanest fresh spring fed water in the state of Missouri. Lately, we have experienced some heavy rains which has flooded the river that cuts our property in half. We take our stewardship of this waterway seriously and work to protect the natural inhabitants and preserve the…
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Farm to table.

Next to a mouthwatering beef roast, brisket is one of my favorite dishes to cook. I submerged the brisket in bbq sauce, with chopped onions and green and red peppers, set the oven to 250. The key to a mouthwatering brisket that falls off your fork, low and slow. The longer you cook the brisket…
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Hay For Days

We have gotten two cuts in this season and all before July! Now with the barns full we are stacking these beauties outside so the real question we do a third cut?
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This barn was built in the 1930s by Marion Prier and his brothers. I put tin on the barn, which was originally red in the 70s in hopes of preserving the barn for future generations. Sadly, this was not meant to be and the barn burnt completely down in the mid 1990s. It’s funny how…
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Hay barn

This barn sits across the river from our house and is across the road from the original Prier homestead . Marion Prier, built this barn in the late 1950s with the help of his father and eldest son Doyle. We continue to use this barn to this day, you can’t help but be a little…
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Newest addition.

I purchased this, this past November and was able to use it planting in the bottom fields. We like many farms in the area, were hit hard this summer with the drought and was able to use our relief aid to plant some new grasses in the fields in hopes of recovering some of our…
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She’s back!

Since our last post, the little cub was literally in pieces 😞 I had to share this happy one of her back together and in one piece. After some clutch repairs, and countless hours she’s back together. I know this little tractor probably doesn’t look like much to most people, but she’s a permanent fixture…
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1955 Cub

This little guy has been part of our family farm since it’s purchase in 1955. When Marion Prier, purchased this tractor it was used to mow hay and plow the garden among other farm duties. Today, he’s getting a new clutch so that we can continue to use him to mow the fence rolls and…
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Stuffed Peppers

One of our all time favorite go to recipe, that's easy on those busy nights and that everyone loves. >Pre-heat oven 450 >Three large green peppers >One onion >One Jalapeno pepper. If you like a hotter pepper, choose a less fresh looking pepper with white lines and more wrinkled and dry. If you like it…
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The eagle has landed.

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We finally got the eagle to his final resting spot...and it's in the front yard :)) I built the stand myself and with the help of my neighbor, our farmhand and the aid of the front end loader we got her perched. My wife isn't as amused with the newest edition, but I think she's beautiful.

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