Looks like Max found time to play in the snow with a friend.
About: prierfarms
Recent Posts by prierfarms
Small Improvements
The journey continues
From the cow kicking in the side door and another using the door as leaning post, the old farm truck is starting to look good. The boys at 3G's have worked their magic on this 1994 farm truck, pulling out the dents and filling in years of mistreatment on the farm. I can not wait to see the finished product.
Farm Trucks Jounery Take 2
Got Spring Fed?
New Seats
Farm Truck
Good Dog, Max

Our farm dog Max loves to herd cattle. Some got out into the road and Max ran them back into the field. Good dog, Max.
Read moreBlack Angus/Limo Cross

Nutritional Benefits of Grass-fed Beef
Did you know that the nutritional benefits present in grass-fed beef are nearly absent in grain-fed beef? That may not be too surprising, but it is more impressive that grass-fed beef has 4 to 6 times less fat content than grain-feed beef and that's like eating a skinless chicken! Other nutritional benefits include the fact…
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